Itch, Be Gone!

I traveled to North Carolina to partake in the Anderson Family Reunion festivities this weekend.  I thought I had everything packed, being that I landed with two extremely large duffle bags: one for clothes/shoes and another for hair and makeup supplies.

Unfortunately, forgot to bring my shampoo.  I was suffering from an itchy scalp and with these nails I have right now, I could not stop myself from scratching!  So, I took a 3am trip to Walgreens where a certain product caught my eye.


It helps those with a dry and itchy scalp and also comforts the irritation of dandruff, eczema and psoriasis.  I laughed at myself because I noticed that I was scratching my scalp as I read the contents on the bottle.  So I bought it for $9.99.

Two reasons why I bought it?  One, there are no synthetic fragrances and two, the tea tree ingredient is really great for freeing the scalp of any buildup, stimulating the hair follicles resulting in hair growth. Who doesn’t want that?

After I returned home, I shampooed my hair with lukewarm water in the shower.  As always, I shampoo once, then shampoo a second time, achieving the proper lather.  And since I am a curly girl, I used a wide tooth comb to also detangle.  After rinsing, drying and styling, my hair felt amazing.  And the itch was gone!  Mission accomplished!